Day 142
Today is my last day of a crazy schedule of training for my new part time job which will have me working random graveyard shifts. It has been exhausting trying to get used to not only working a 'paying job' after 13 years but getting through these first couple of weeks....I expect soon it will old hat and my life will start to settle down enough to start sewing again--> this week YAY!
In the meantime I decided to at least collage and give myself some inspiration to get back to creating!
My other project I decided to start on was doing something with all these shells and fossils I had collected during a childhood growing up in Florida. Being the new year and all I figure it can't hurt to continue to either use or get rid of what we I dug out two old fish tanks cleaned 'em up and am waiting for them to dry a we speak.

Hmm colorful pictures and shells maybe I am ready for Winter to finally end...New Mexico declared a State of Emergency last week because of cold temps and many families had lost gas to their homes, generally NM does not experience subzero weather (in some places it was windchill of -49) everything closed except where I work because it is a hospital and so I trudged in for training in -11 was not pleasant. But wait we are supposed to get another storm moving in tonight...lets hope last week was just an anomaly!
What are you going to create this week?
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