She brought me this fabric and asked me to match some ribbons to it--OH JOY got to dig through ribbon leftover stash!!
Anyway, this pattern is still maddening in it's handstitching BUT here are some more tips in case you decide you want to tackle it:
Double stitch the center of the rings....stitch on the wrong sides (front to front sides) w/ a long thread but then run the needle through the layers to the outside and stitch again on the right side
Tiny even stitches not too close to the edge of fabric so that the fabric does not shred
Make sure you are not too close to the edges of the fabrics when you stitch so that there is enough to stitch through tightly w/o tearing the fabric
Hate to tell you this but make sure you use high quality fabric cheapo stuff will not hold up as well to babies and toddler chunking this toy across the room or chompin it while teething. And in terms of stitching it will not pull and shred on the edges as much because higher quality is better woven.
Do not use too cheap of muslin either as the cheap stuff will shred too much on the edges--really it just adds to the frustration factor of making this toy. The first few I made I used the med quality white stuff.
Keep telling yourself it will look ADORABLE when it is done and keep plodding along SERIOUSLY chant this as a you are stitching.
Wear a thimble or two!
When you are at the final stage before stuffing, pin the edges together on the last half leaving a small gap for stufffing. Stitch and unpin as you go...when you get to that last bit then stuff it and hand stitch closed.
Use a thin embroidery needle.
Remember tiny, even stitches!
DO NOT OVERSTUFF--I personally think it looks better and sits better on the center pole.
After you have made this a time or two THEN consider adding ribbons-OMG they make the final product look completely different and absolutely adorable!! Seriously do not attempt this during the first try unless you are an expert seamstress lol.
And now gaze upon the maddeningly cute and adorable Happy Stacker (pattern by Heather Bailey)
On to the next sewing project!
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