This is a small book, perfect for tucking into a pocket and I can tell it was tucked and read, perhaps out by a lake, under a tree, on a blanket her lover's head nestled in her lap...yes I can just picture it and the pages are well loved tenderly turned as the reader just savored each word.
There are even some great black and white pics of the area in which Sir Scott set this poem I would love to know what those castles and monuments and landscapes look like now
I did a little research and discovered that the original was published in 1810 and that the year in which this edition was printed Sir Scott had had a stroke and perished 2years later, his wife had died a few years earlier....
the person who owned this was a woman named 'Alberta' and she bought or was given the book in 1901 which already made this story and book an antique so when it gets to be this old I suppose it is no longer an antique but a treasure right?
Sorry for the crappy pics I did not want to take it out into the sunlight to photograph in fear it would damage the paper and pics even is now firmly treasured upon a shelf where we can read it if we want because books were made to be read no matter how old.
Perhaps one day I will also show you my book printed by Ben Franklin with leather covers and typeset pages where you can feel the bumpy print now that one does sit upon a shelf it is just so fragile but I allow the kids to look at it it was not in the best condition when I found it already
Here are some interesting Wiki links about the poem and the area in which is was set and of course it's links to the Arthurian stories that we all know
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