Does she look thrilled? She should look frozen or recently unfrozen after coming home and taking a warm was COLD, COLD I tell you...and I was soaked as I was a good volunteer parent timing this meet and they did not call it till over halfway through because the other team drove from a couple hours away...and of course THEN the clouds parted and it was near 90 in the afternoon...such is life in the high desert with huge differences in temps it was in the 50s in the AM
Let's see her team got 2nd in the IM Relay, she got 4th in 100 IM and 25 Fly it was cold is all I can remember that and my fingers had to defrost before I could drive home

Then off Mike took G2 to the Albuquerque Folk Festival where she played with her teacher's band the Nahalat Shalom Community Klezmer Band and learned a new song by ear in the workshop....and yes that is another kid in the band, she is a few years older than G2, she comes sometimes and hopefully there will be more kids...videos will be up on G2's blog if she ever gets her booty in gear and works on her website
And in case you did not notice the gaping hole in her jeans...this from a mom who sews from a kid who refused an outfit for this event.... little rebel who asked dad if she could wear them when I was not around and then asked me later when dad was not around--mind you he has the presence of mind to ask her if they were the ones with the holes in them before he said no and I was so cold after the meet I did not ask and so off she went changing downstairs and going out the door before I could see her...UHUH that one is trouble lol lol

Yah, Gx2!!!! Love the vests in the posts below also. So very retro. See you Thursday!