Day 114
Ok so that may not make sense until you have a gander at the huge order list on my plate over the past two weeks and into the next 2-3 weeks....some of it creative and some of it just utilitarian repairs, but all of it is there and waiting and staring at me so I have been using copious amounts of caffeine to keep up with the sewing as well as the kid activities along with all the regular parts of life such as cleaning and food. So to some of you who have seen me lately I probably resemble Twitchy from the movie Hoodwinked (great film, very sarcastic and hilarious)

Parrothead costume CHECK done... this pattern ( McCall's 6143) was good EXCEPT for the screwy way part of the collar was added I think should I make this again I would cut the collar out with the fabric so it laid better because I had to attach buttons on the lapels to make sure it stayed down. But I also added a lining which the pattern did not call for so that made it bulkier and quite honestly I have never seen sleeves made in this fashion. This picture is pre the final adjustments including the sleeves which was a funny mistake because I added width to the back of the pattern but forgot to adjust the sleeve length to account for it so I had to chop it off but it worked out for the best because I got to add trim and bias as final details to the jacket. On the hat I chopped it down so it was not so tall and the brim needs ironing with light starch before wear (if you want that stiff look) unless you put in a really stiff interfacing but I put in a roughly medium stiffness. My customer said he was going to add some lights on the hat so I can't wait to see his pictures from this weekend!
Next up is Astrid from the movie How to Train Your Dragon Remember the doggie dragon costume? Well this is the client's costume that will go along with it! Basically I am making the skirt complete with Sculpey clay skulls and spikes....should be very cool looking all together!

Then a Hurl Scout costume from the movie Whip It , the client brought a really long jersey knit fabric type skirt so I chopped off the top part to make a mini skirt and used the rest of the fabric to attach to a vest she found and liked the shape of then added new brassy buttons (clever eh?! well I thought I was being clever because then I did not have to recreate the pattern just cut to the same pieces and attach!!)

Needs a bit of ironing and the tweenager was not having the patience for me to adjust the vest so it did not look slouchy but you get the picture. You can see the black sweater type stretchy vest that is underneath at the edges and the fabric color is dead on so I think it will look great!

Add these to the memory table runners (more on these soon), hand embroideries, the girl's costumes, a couple of Full sized Tshirt blankets and just some general repairs and you get....

On a lighter more relaxing note after finding two of these trivet at my favorite thrift store (in two separate trips over a few months time) I seem to have developed a wee obsession with these 'Made in Japan' wrought iron, tile things, I just love 'em....we are actually using them in the kitchen because they look cool scattered about ....not figuring what 'Quick Stitches Save Die Britches' has to do with being in a kitchen but I like it and hey since I sew it sort of makes sense, sort of...

Well been too long on the blog this AM so got to get back to work since I hear the rugrats getting breakfast.....what will you create today?
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