...but for now we will settle with a beautiful botanical garden to visit....ah suburbia land of the postage stamp backyard. So what do we have to complain about? So we don't have streams to take off our shoes to wade across but we do have a pond insects to explore, plants to watch, graceful goldfish floating their fins through the water, a waterfall, flowers, no cotton fluff from cottonwood trees (we are too high up on the mesa for them to grow here) but we have managed to start the beginnings of a place the kids can explore and be in nature right here in our little postage stamp yard.
Oh I forgot the one good thing about living in a sand desert is instant MUD factory lots of beautiful MUD to goop around in!
So yea nothing to complain about just some more trees and hidden places to sit, dream and create...
Just gotta figure out how to put that giant aquarium in hmmm...

Wow! Relaxing!