My mom is apparently cleaning out some of my Grandmother's belongings and she knew I would love these ceramic heads, shells and spear/arrow points that were my Grandfather's...he loved art and he loved history so who knows where he got these from but I know they are very very old, not replicas and I am thinking the Southwestern US or most likely Central America. Very interesting stuff as I can tell that the heads were broken off from a pot or some such and the one that looks like a little man's head must have been made noise because it has a bead inside similar to a flute, cool eh? Of course it was a different time back then when people who were interested in history just went out and collected without doing the investigations and detective work that archaeologists do nowadays so please do not go out and collect things--let the experts do it if you find something!
I personally have already returned (years ago) some very interesting things to the local University but of course because no one can tell exactly where they came from their value as artifacts for study are extremely low--I can tell you that one thing I returned was probably one of the weirdest things they have ever received I am sure....I am almost embarrassed to say this out loud but it was some human remains--yes there I said it, human remains, not an entire skeleton, years ago I found them buried in a shed in a mouse chewed box and NO they were not recent, the story in the family goes that these were most likely from an archaeological expedition in Central America and the archaeologist sent them to my Grandfather because he was interested and he was an artist and they wanted to entice him to go down and draw for them....yes draw, you know when photos were not in color and not good enough to get the details of archaeological finds. I don't know if this is the real story, sounds fairly accurate considering how archaeology was done in many parts of the world back then-but my Grandfather was not around to ask and my Grandmother did not remember.
Anyway, I had these and I studied them in a report way back when I was going to go into forensics (before there was CSI) but I could never find anyone to return them to and my professors had no idea what I should do with them and I knew they needed to go to the right place. I feel like I was meant to find them and bring them back here, near to the region where the person lived most likely(according to my previous research). So while they are probably in some dusty box waiting to be catalogued so they can be returned or reburied at least they are on their way and I can no longer say I have a skeleton in my closet. I have been outed. And the restless soul can almost rest.

For those of you who know me in real life you are probably nodding your heads and thinking 'I knew it'!
On to more pleasant things....our first gig of the season was last night and it was a blast. G2 has now played with this band for 4 years now. Note the raggedly hem on the skirt...she wanted it rocknroll and it goes well with the tall black boots she wore with the outfit.

Here is the final result: short, peppy and cute....just took in the sides with darts to give it some shape and sliced off the bottom leaving the black underskirt longer than the top layer.

A couple of the cuter projects I have worked on for clients this week...some t-shirt pillows
A good way to use up those cute shirts that have meaning.....
I think that is all for today...hope I did not freak you all out too much....I really am slightly, fairly, almost normal...whatever that what are you going to create tomorrow?
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