Day 151
My oldest daughter has been involved in Pokemon madness in one form or another since she was about 4years old. At first we resisted A LOT but then we decided to roll with it figuring it was just a phase and would pass shortly. We were wrong. Good thing is she is easy to buy for around the holidays and birthdays!
We did embrace it and use it amongst our homeschooling-we made math games from the card game, reading, strategy, costuming, pretending, artwork, storytelling, sharing, figuring out complex ways to do or get things in the video games led to game programming classes and finding cards written in Japanese has turned into a now 8year passion for learning a new language and in turn wanting to go to Japan to study science at one of their universities and teach English. So you see we used the obsession to fuel other parts of her life....not hard nor unusual and LOTS of fun well except during that phase when she was repeating the noises and running around the house like she was hopped up on double espressos.
Well she is now almost 13 (CRINGE yes almost a teenager) and she recently got the newest video games Pokemon Black and Pokemon White but now apparently she is channeling her energies into making an entire hand drawn Pokedex (a visual list and description of all 649 Pokemon) and turning some of those into stuffed and felted critters all from her own patterns.
This one is called Trubbish and is a trash bag filled with rubbish come to life...yeaaa..ok just nod and don't really think too hard about it ok? its a fun game lol This is her first stuffie-she drew out the pattern, cut it out and sewed it both on the machine and by hand-pretty durn cute.

Image from here
Its a little blurry and taken on the ugly carpet but I was not allowed to take pictures or comment on where she took the pictures, this was her project from beginning to end and then I was told to post these on my blog lol...

This one is called Victini info and image from here

So there you go.....our life as the parents of a Pokemon fanatic lol lol as we tell the girls "make sure to use your powers for good and not evil" ya know like superheroes?! and I think in this case she has succeeded!
What will you create today?
An aside: We have watched the news the past couple of weeks with sadness and heartache. But our daughter's desire to go to Japan has been made stronger despite the tragedies occurring in their country, she has used her Spring Break to learn about nuclear technology and the programs that allow people to teach and live in their beautiful country--we have had many wonderful discussions and I can't wait to see where life takes her on her journey...they are an amazing culture and this opinion piece says it all~ donate where you can if you can...the Sun Rising from the Rubble collaborative project is almost completed and we will have more information on that soon
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