Day 148
This past week has just been full of images from Japan following their multiple disasters and while I have been drawn to donate to other recent tragedies this one got me sketching and creating....I showed the sketch to my arty Studio Miche buddy to see what she thought and it got her thinking too sooooo we planned to meet up today and work...and I wanted to start you watching the process cause honestly it is pretty cool to see something from idea to final product...
....original very rough idea sketch....

fleshing out a lone house and Mt Fuji ideas....I know its pencil on white and you can barely see it but trust me it's creation will be from fabric scraps of raw edge applique and sewn down

M pulls out her batiking paints-oh I just love watching her work-its so soothing to hear her talk about depth and tying this with that and the colors she puts in their places...

We watched some videos and talked about the tragedy and clicked through lots of pictures of rubble to get the perspectives we wanted on our pieces. Doesn't this one just really look like the rubble floating in the water? I think so.... but the rising sun represents how the country will prevail and come back stronger than they were before.

When we are finished with these we will be auctioning them off and the proceeds to go to this tragedy<--in the process of researching who, what, when and how so we can make sure it goes to the right organization or one we both like.
OK off to stay up way late cause I work all tomorrow night so I try to stay up late the night before....lots of scraps to cut up and collage hmmmm wonder if my DVR taped the Glee episode last night? or if there is a Law & Order or NCIS marathon on those are some of my top 10 sewing days lol lol
and lest you think our little darlings were having their Spring Break ruined because their moms were working think again....they spent all those hours coming down to snack on salads, homemade applesauce, baked sliced sweet potatoes, fresh italian bread, playing video games, watching movies and generally having a good time in the new tweenie hangout--SEE having fun lol aren't they gorgeous lol lol
What are you creating today?
Had another fun day hanging out. I feel really good about what we are doing. Thank YOU for the Art Therapy day.